Technical Audit: Starting at $3500

Technical Auditing Services: A technical audit of the Client’s web property. This includes:

Infrastructure Assessment

Provisioning Assessment

CI/CD Assessment

Code Quality Assessment

Apps & Services Assessment

Security Assessment


Technical Auditing Services

Infrastructure Assessment: A review of infrastructure (i.e. server configuration) and associated costs.

Provisioning Assessment: A review of server provisioning profiles for production, staging, and local development environments.

CI/CD Assessment: A review of current CI/CD process and automations.

Code Quality Assessment: A review of code quality, organization, and core code modifications based on development best practices.

Apps & Services Assessment: An inventory and analysis of the apps and services integrated into the website.

Security Assessment: A review of security best practices applied to the website.


Written “Summary of Findings” Audit Report:

A written report including a list of our findings and recommendations.


Prioritization Matrix

A prioritization matrix including the estimated return (impact) of each recommendation and level-of-effort (cost and timeline) to implement.


Presentation of “Summary of Findings”

Upon completion of the “Summary of Findings” Audit Report, Trellis will schedule a call with important stakeholders from the client’s team and present the report.

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